Daily Quotation By Xaveriand. 11/1
My way
As a human ,
We all live in this world
We are still breathing
We are walking on the path way if our lives
There's a lot of process
It is full of happiness , sadness , anger , embarrassment , boredom , and even more
We all have have no idea what is going to happen next
So we are always nervous , expected , and excited about it
But ,
We can decide what to do and choose the right direction that is good for us in our own life
Decide the best way to live
Choose the way you like most
Don't change your mind and your decision when the people say the way is not good enough or nobody do it , none of them choose this way
Be firm and uncompromising
This is your future , your life
That means nobody has the chance to decide for you , or do something to let you waver , even change your mind
Whatever the people say or oppose about your life ,
Just do not choose the way you don't want that
Fight for yourself !