Welcome to Xaveriand's Pixnet !
/ The writer to the world /
A 15-year-old boy who wants to tell everyone that "Xaveriand can do a little simple favor to change this world and give people the power to their lives."
“ I speak , I write the way I am. ”
“ 我說,我寫,故我在。 ”
“ Always be the special one and the influential one. “
" 我沒有帥氣俊俏的臉龐、高挺壯碩的身材,也沒有傲人的學歷,但我有深刻犀利的文鋒、一針見血又諷喻了當的口舌,以及大膽獨特的自我性格!我是鍥淵Xaveriand. "